
Archive for June 4th, 2008

A friend and fellow beer geek has recently passed on some rather valuable information. Green Flash Brewing Company will be available in Ohio by the end of this week! I absolutely adore the marketing this brewery does. It is right in line will the marketing done in the craft beer industry — sophisticated humor, originality and fun graphics.

The West Coast IPA was just votedthe 2008 National Brewing News IPA Champion.

West Coast I.P.A. This West Coast-Style India Pale Ale is extravagantly hopped, full flavored, medium bodied and copper colored. A menagerie of hops is combined throughout the brewing process to impart specific characteristics. Hops used include Simcoe for a unique fruitiness and grapefruit zest, Columbus for strong hop pungency, Centennial for pine and citrus notes, and Cascade for floral aroma.

Other styles include the Hop Head Red Ale, Imperial IPA, Double Stout, Trippel Belgian Style Ale, Barleywine Style Ale, Extra Pale Ale and Nut Brown Ale. Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!!!

Here are some tasty tid bits from the website:

What’s a Green Flash

Green flashes are real phenomena seen at sunrise and sunset, when part of the sun suddenly changes color.

Green flashes usually are brief, lasting only one or two seconds.

Green flashes do not always light up the sky, but are often small and inconspicuous.

To see green flashes, you must be in the right place. An ocean horizon can often provide optimum green flash viewing conditions.

To see green flashes, the air should be reasonably clear.

To see green flashes you should use an optical aid, such as binoculars.

For more info on green flashes go to: http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/GF/

We hope you will be fortunate enough to see a Green Flash. We know you will have fun trying! Why not take along some Green Flash Brewing Co. Extra Pale Ale on your adventure?

CHEERS!!! I will let you know where I find it, when I find it! Also, please let me know where you all find it!!!

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